Cyber-journalism combines the traditional forms of print media (newspaper/magazine/photojournalism) and modern means of digital media (website/social media/vlogging). Students of Lincoln High's School of Media Arts & Entertainment will be creating journalistic content for this exact type of journalistic venture in Project Takeover.  Project Takeover consists of a web-based newspaper, The Takeover, reflecting the stories and experiences of the world Lincoln students live in, taking over the narrative of their collective experience. Using the journalistic principles of truth and accuracy, independence, fairness and impartiality, humanity, and accountability students will be researching and write bi-monthly analytical, investigative, informative and argumentative articles and reports highlighting a variety of topics relevant to their own high school experience. 

Each publication period students will navigate through the publication process of submitting proposals, researching and gathering information, writing/editing/revising articles and publishing. Through this process students are expected to:

●      Generate and conceptualize print and visual media

●      Organize and develop print and visual media

●      Refine and complete writing publication and video production

●      Develop and refine journalistic techniques and digital design for presentations

●      Convey meaning through publication and presentation of journalistic work

●      Perceive and analyze journalistic work by interpreting intent and meaning

●      Independently and collaboratively synthesize information for publication and presentation

The content for these articles will stem from assignments intentionally planned in their English, History, Science, Multimedia, and Video Production classes. Students will be writing informative articles about current events, report on classroom and extracurricular activities, critiquing and analyzing current and historical political, and pop culture trends, and defining modern scientific issues. 

Additionally, students will be enhancing their writing with the aid of multimedia and video projects. Design features like infographics, video essays, original graphics, and photojournalism will be created and published to assist students in communicating their findings and opinions.

Building off the success of The Takeover's first iteration 2 years ago, "this years project looks to be even more robust, interactive, and sexy," say Christopher Dier, English teacher for Lincoln's School of Media Arts and Entertainment.