My parents are really strict and don’t let me do anything. I am not talking about them not letting me go out. I don't care about any of that. I am talking about how they don’t let me play sports or get a job. It makes me upset because they just want me home doing nothing. I hate being home, it's so boring. Every day is the same for me. I need to do something different. I wish I had more freedom.

School is my only escape from home, and I hate it. I try to make it fun, but it just stays boring. Honestly, school is stressful. Teachers expect us to do things perfectly and never care what is actually going on in our lives to make us act like that. Getting a job will get me away from school and home. I waited like a whole year to turn sixteen so I could get a job and now that I turned sixteen my parents won’t let me. I really don’t understand why. There’s other parent’s making their kids get jobs and my parents are over here not letting me have one. I just want to be responsible for buying my own things and want to start learning how to manage money.

It really bothers me is that I basically don’t have any freedom, and I’m always left out whenever my friends talk about going out, playing sports, and going to the gym. This year I have set so many goals for myself. I want to become the best version of myself. I want to learn a lot of things that will help me in the future. I don’t want to make bad decisions, and my parents don’t understand that. They never want to sit and talk with me; they just want to assume things. They only see the bad in me but never appreciate the good or even recognize it. I just wish my parents were more understanding.

I believe that if they were more understanding they would know why I act the way I do. It makes me upset because I know I have so much potential, and I feel like I’m wasting years doing nothing or learning anything. If I had one chance to show them, I know I could make them proud and happy. All I need is a little bit more freedom. They said I could get a job when I turn eighteen, but I want a job now, I want to learn how to do stuff right now, so it won’t be hard when I actually have to do it on my own. I want to start buying my own stuff, to earn it myself. I want my parents to listen to me for once without thinking I’m trying to argue.